the STORY!!!

a stoopid thing i work on every now and then

[Chapter 1: the begining] [May 19, 2024, 3:39 PM]

welcome to my story!!! here you wil find laughs, funnies, funnies, stuff, other stuff, topic here, AND mOre!!! theres lots in store in this story!!! This wil be thEBEST story ever!!! yeah!!! that a lot of exclamation mark!!! anyway, i hpoe you Enjoy the story!! this is A story. I love STORIe! i do too. ANyway, enjoy the book- no wait it story sorry my mistaik

[Chapter 2: the Thing] [May 19, 2024, 3:44 PM]

Gues what!! i found a thing. Thi si s the revoulationary thing. i wonder what the thing is? well it about time to find out what this thing Could POSSSIBLE BE!!!!111 that a lot of excalmation again... i love things!!! they ar forever MYSTERIE!!!!s. so... it time to find out what the thing could be!! i wonder?? what? it is.???!?? letz find out. and its... A PENNY!!! That one cent I like coins, they are ... uh... I think... they.. UHM.. BROWN!!!>!>>!>!. now i have 1 cent!! i wonder if i can find more things for more money, and possibl OTHER THINGS like tvs, chairs, dimensional wormholes that warp the very fabric of space-time itself, or maibe something else. BUT lets go collecting Things!!!

[Chapter 3: collecTing things] [May 19, 2024, 9:46 PM]

okaay So i have been collexting THINGS now!!! i found five quarters and gues what 5 quarter equals ONE DOLAR!! one quarter is 20 cent Or is it twenty 5??? 25 or 20.... i think it 25 but anyway lets find more things Okay so i found a chair, a tv, ANd a [1?'*2&'}\!!! tihngs are cool!!!!!!!!! that so many excalamashun marks... i wonder how many i Will SAY!!!! now there less, sad... wel anyway i think i am done for Collecting things now goodbye and see you Next Tiem!!!!!!!!!!!

[Chapter 4: the Store!1] [May 20, 2024, 7:05 PM]

So i went to the stoer, And found the fork/spon/cutlery Aisle. it was filled With the best need for eats and drink. I love spons anyway.,.,,, i grabbd the thing with fork inside and then bought the Thing with Forks Inside and I FOUNd sSPOONS inside i t !??A11!!!!!!!!!!! i got Scam?!?! i thought. but it was filed with spoon and fork. So i got DOUBLE silvrware!!!!! i could eat Serial and mac and chese. Now, chees Is pretty good i Liek it. Do yuou like cheese? ??? dont lie to me now. DO'NT YOU Drare. i mean dare sory,,,,,my mistake. youLike cheese???? OKay! 1/1/!1 i lov chese. Chees i think is made form malk, WITH HAZ CALCIUM..>!>!!!! calcium make bones grow!! itg good for yoU YIppe anyway thats The story of how i got the silverware THAT WAS a story Insied The story!!!!!! Story-ception okay Bye bye now I hav to go but goodbye because i have to go but goodbye for now, and i have to go because i have to go so, goodbye

[Chapter 5: fruit is Good] [May 21, 2024, 11:48 AM]

I just ate A Fruit it is good!. I love fruit. Fruit Contains good for you !? No Way!!!!! that good. Good means good, fruit is not BAd Is good!!! you should eat fruit. It is vere good!!.1 You shoud eat it. Go to my newly Open shop and then Buy smoe frut... Firuir.T Fruit.... I like fruit fruit is good. So get soem Today At the new shop called My very awesome shop!!!!!!!! alright Bye bye

[Chapter 6: the HACKER!!] [May 22, 2024, 1:21 PM]

here a story i made up. "once upon a tiem, ther was a hacker. He was a hacker.!.? no way!..! one time the hackr hack a computer, the person who own computer was like "Oh no!.1>!>>!?!?!?" and hacker was like "evil laugh sound hahaha" and the per son threw away computer feeling sad... But anothr person Suprised owner of computer with a NEW one! !!!! he was like "yay thank You" and hacker got mad so he hackd A hacker and threatened to Delete system48 on the hackrs computer unless the other hack er (hacker that got hacked) ruined the persons NEW compUter,,.. but the other hacker was a nice hackr so he didnt do it but his computr Was trashed.. : (((( sad. The end" And that the story. Wait.. i have to make a good ending... ok like this "And hacker quit hackning forever . Goodnight" yeah.